Karena Cinta( because of Love)

Malam kudus, bintang pertanda
(Holy night, a star as a sign)
Hanya para gembala datang bersama
(Only the sphephers come together)
Bukan di istana, hanya kandang domba
(Not in a palace, just the stable)
Bayi Yesus t’lah lahir, mari sambutlah Dia
(Baby Jesus has been born, let’s welcome Him)
Karna cinta Kau turun ke dunia
(Because of love You came down to earth)
‘Tuk buktikan kasih kepada manusia yang penuh dosa
(To prove Your love to sinful human beings)
Karna cinta Bapa mengirim anak-Nya
(Because of love the Father sent His Son)
Hari Natal pun telah tiba
(Christmas Day has arrived)
Yang Kau pinta bukanlah harta
(What You’re asking for is not treasure)
Hati yang sederhana lebih berharga
(A simple heart is more precious)
Yang kupercaya Engkau beserta
(I believe You are with us)
B’rikan damai sejaht’ra untuk s’lama lamanya
(To give peace forever)
Karna cinta Kau turun ke dunia
(Because of love You came down to earth)
‘Tuk buktikan kasih kepada manusia yang penuh dosa
(To prove Your love to sinful human beings)
Karna cinta Bapa mengirim anak-Nya
(Because of love the Father sent His Son)
Hari natal pun telah tiba
(Christmas Day has arrived)
Karna cinta Kau turun ke dunia
(Because of love You came down to earth)
‘Tuk buktikan kasih kepada manusia yang penuh dosa
(To prove Your love to sinful human beings)
Karna cinta Bapa mengirim anak-Nya
(Because of love the Father sent His Son)
Hari natal pun telah tiba
(Christmas Day has arrived)
Hari natal pun telah tiba
(Christmas Day has arrived)