Yahweh is For Us
Sing a song of victory
Shout aloud unto the Lord
Who is like the living God
Yahweh is for us
(Nyanyikan lagu kemenangan
Sorak sorai kepada Tuhan
Allah yang hidup
Yahweh beserta kita)
Tell of all His faithfulness
Our lives have been restored
Hallelujah, we are blessed
Yahweh is for us
(Ceritakan segala kesetiaanNya
Hidup kita dipulihkan
Haleluya, kita diberkati
Yahweh beserta kita)
All the idols of this age
Come from a world of lies
Nothing in their wooden hearts
But Yahweh is for us
(Semua berhala jaman ini
Datang dari dunia kebohongan
Kosong di dalam hati kayu mereka
Tapi Yahweh beserta kita)
They cannot see our needs
They cannot hear our cries
Only Yahweh intervenes
Yahweh is for us
(Mereka tidak bisa melihat kebutuhan kita
Mereka tidak bisa mendengar tangisan kita
Hanya Yahweh yang perduli
Yahweh beserta kita)
He hears, he hears every faithful prayer
He sees, He's watching with tender care
He knows, He knows every pain we bear
(Dia mendengar 2x setiap doa orang setia
Dia Melihat, Dia memperhatikan dengan penuh kasih sayang
Dia tahu 2x setiap sakit yang kita tanggung)
From the highest heaven His mercies flow
To the ends of the earth his people know
Yahweh is for us, Yahweh is for us
(Dari surga yang paling tinggi berkatNya mengalir
Ke ujung dunia umatNya tahu
Yahweh beserta kita 2x)
From the highest heaven His mercies flow
To the ends of the earth his people know
Yahweh is for us, Yahweh is for us